Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm HOME, & I Can Breathe!!

Our new home we're renting in Logan! Not the best looking on the outside, but we love having a home and all this space!
And that's the best way to describe it!  I'm HOME.  Home in Utah, I feel at home with my new team of docs at the Huntsman Center, we've rented a wonderfully perfect home in Logan where even without our possessions it already feels like HOME. I'm at home sleeping in my parent's basement on a blow up mattress until said possessions make it here next week.  And when Adam finally makes it out here for good in two weeks, we will really be HOME!! What a happy, relaxing thing to experience! And though I'm busy running everywhere doing a ton just to keep up, I'm happier. People are nicer. Life is slower, and more enjoyed. My kids are excited every day because every day is "THE BEST DAY EVER!!! " for both of them!  It's kind of contagious! (As are colds, EVERY time we come home as the kids are evidence of, being in the middle of their first cold since being HOME). I breathe easier having found an amazing place to live (yes Jersey friends, gonna rub it in just a bit) we have 4 bedrooms Plus an office (that's right, extra space for visitors whenever you come to Logan!), 2 living rooms, each with a fireplace, and a big backyard with a "secret garden" hidden by bushes and overgrown with weeds, but it has a hidden playhouse in it the kids are in love with!! And let's be honest, so am I! :)

Did I get a little sidetracked?? Sorry!! My Huntsman Center visit was amazing, I'm very impressed and looking forward to continuing my treatment through them. Dr. Boyer seems to be nice, I'll try for pics next time. The location itself was AMAZING- both take-your-breath-away beautiful and extremely easy to use and navigate through!  Adam and I loved sitting in ONE room and having everyone come to us, rather than traipsing from hospital to cancer center to pharmacy to medical imaging to lab and bag to cancer center....  Yeah, those days could get long!!!

The Huntsman Institute- It's beautiful!
The Plan:  My new docs are cutting back my immunosuppressants every two weeks to initiate some GVHD in the hopes I will also experience some GVT (Graft Versus Tumor). I know I've explained most of this before, but it never hurts to explain again right??? I am currently on 1 milligram Prograf in the morning and a 1/2 milligram in the evening. On Tuesday I should be going down to 1/2 and 1/2. So far... no GVHD- not the best sign, we want a little to know the graft is also killing any cancer cells!! As for how I feel... Mentally: Great!!! Physically: well, I've got a lot of body aches, hand and feet aches, and a lot of burning in my lymph system in my neck and a sore throat. Could be better, could be worse.

I have been trying to add pics from my phone and I can't figure it out!! I feel kind of stupid admitting that... But I have some great ones I want to share as soon as I get settled in and am regularly using an actual computer, rather than writing posts from my phone... It takes forever!! My point- I apologize for the stale post.  I will edit it later I promise, just wanted to post an update :)

"We all have inner demons to fight... If you don't conquer them, then a life of a hundred years... is a tragedy. If you do, a life of a single day can be a triumph."